2024 Queensland State Government Election Scorecard

The following reflects the know party positions as at 27 September 2024.

Your vote counts.

We have asked parties and candidates their positions on the East Brisbane State School, Stadiums and the Gabba Priority Development Area. These have been collated into Rethink the Gabba's 2024 State Election Scorecard below.

The 2024 Queensland State Election offers the community a chance to make their views on these key issues known. The outcome of this election will shape the future of the Gabba and surrounding areas for years to come.

Early Voting    Opens Monday 14 October 2024

Election Day   Saturday 26 October 2024 

Scorecard Explanations

1. Position on the Gabba Redevelopment

a. Does your party support the $1.6 billion refurbishment of QSAC to serve as the athletics venue for the Brisbane 2032 Games?

The proposal to invest $1.6 billion into upgrading QSAC (Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre) aims to create a temporary athletics facility for the Olympics. However, concerns have been raised regarding the long-term viability and community benefits of investing in this venue, especially considering QSAC’s location in suburban Nathan, which may not foster lasting legacy value for Brisbane.

Bottom line: The decision to upgrade QSAC and how is critical, as it represents a significant allocation of taxpayer money for an Olympic venue. Sensitively done, this refurbishment may create a long term legacy for athletics, however this needs to be balanced against the impacts on surrounding forest and koala habitat.

b. Does your party support the current proposal for a modest upgrade of The Gabba?

The Gabba, an iconic venue nearing the end of its functional life, is slated for a more modest upgrade rather than the comprehensive rebuild recommended by the Quirk review. This decision will have long-term impacts on the future utility and accessibility of the venue for local and international events.

Bottom line: A party’s support for The Gabba modest upgrade needs also to consider the impact on East Brisbane State School. 

c. Does your party support the building of a new stadium at Victoria Park, as recommended by the Quirk review?

The Quirk review’s signature recommendation was to build a new stadium at Victoria Park. This option presents an alternative solution that could provide long-term benefits for the community and serve as a landmark venue for international events. However, it comes with a higher cost than The Gabba upgrade and potentially negatively impacts on public green space.

Bottom line: Any party supporting a new stadium at Victoria Park for the Brisbane 2032 Olympics and future major events needs also to consider the negative impacts of such a plan. 

d. Does your party support an alternative location for the Athletics (e.g., Hamilton North Shore)?

Some have suggested alternative venues for the athletics events, such as Hamilton North Shore. These alternatives could offer more appropriate locations for Olympic facilities while minimising costs and delivering better legacy outcomes.

Bottom line: While a party’s stance on alternative venues demonstrates their willingness to explore cost-effective and innovative solutions for Olympic infrastructure, such alternatives need to be carefully considered and weighed against costs and local impacts. 

2. Position on Relocating and Expanding East Brisbane State School (EBSS)

a. Does your party support retaining East Brisbane State School (EBSS) in its current location?

Retaining EBSS in its current location ensures continuity for local students and families. The school has deep ties to the local community, and moving it due to The Gabba’s modest upgrades would disrupt local education and erode community fabric.

Bottom line: Retaining EBSS reflects a party’s commitment to preserving the integrity of local education and its support for community-focused schooling solutions.

b. Does your party support investing in and expanding EBSS to adequately cater for the projected population growth in the Woolloongabba area?

With the expected population growth in the Woolloongabba area, EBSS will need additional investment to meet future demand. Expansion could allow the school to serve more students while also enhancing facilities to better support educational outcomes.

Bottom line: Investment in EBSS aligns with forward-thinking policies that prioritise educational infrastructure to match population growth and future community needs. 

c. In addition to retaining EBSS in catchment, does your party support continuing to develop a primary school or P-12 school at the Coorparoo Secondary      College site to help address expected population growth in the area?

The development of new schools, such as a potential primary or P-12 school at Coorparoo Secondary College, could alleviate pressure on EBSS while ensuring that East Brisbane, Coorparoo and Woolloongabba residents have access to quality educational infrastructure as the area grows.

Bottom line: This question helps gauge a party’s vision for expanding local education options and addressing the broader implications of urban population increases.

3. Future of The Gabba as Public Green Space

a. If The Gabba is not fully redeveloped, noting the drastic shortfall of public green space in our suburb, does your party support converting the stadium into publicly accessible green space while maintaining the iconic cricket field for community use?

A similar approach was followed at Subiaco in Western Australia (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subiaco_Oval), with the stadium being demolished and repurposed into recreation and schooling facilities with the construction of the new Perth stadium in 2017.

Bottom line: A party’s position on this issue demonstrates its focus on public health, public green recreational space, and sustainable urban living for residents in a dense urban area.

4. Woolloongabba Priority Development Area (PDA)

a. Does your party support scrapping the PDA as an unnecessary planning intervention?

The Woolloongabba PDA has been controversial, with concerns that it might be unnecessary and could hinder more organic, community-driven development. Scrapping the PDA would represent a move towards localised control and greater community focus in urban planning.

Bottom line: Scrapping the PDA shows a party’s belief that current planning processes are sufficient, and that additional state governmental intervention is overreach and not required to manage Woolloongabba’s development.

b. Does your party support increasing the availability of public green space within the PDA and surrounding area?

As urban densification accelerates in Woolloongabba, increasing green space will be crucial for maintaining residents’ quality of life. Public parks, recreational spaces, and green corridors will enhance the urban environment and provide much-needed relief in an increasingly dense suburb.

Bottom line: Supporting the increase in public green space aligns with sustainable development principles and the need for balance between built-up areas and green zones.

c. Does your party support prioritising local residents' needs, such as improved active travel and transport links, community facilities, and roads for local residents, in the PDA and surrounding area?

Local residents have expressed concerns that the PDA prioritises large-scale infrastructure over their immediate needs. Prioritising community facilities and improved transport links ensures that urban development directly benefits those living in the area.

Bottom line: A party’s stance on this issue indicates whether they are focused on practical, everyday benefits for Woolloongabba residents, such as better transport options and improved local amenities, not skyscrapers for developers 

Party Responses

The following responses were provided to clarify positions for the major parties in response to questions posed by Rethink the Gabba.

Full commitment from the Greens

2024-09-26 Letter to Rethink the Gabba.pdf

No commitment from the ALP

No commitment from the LNP

Questions to parties

The following email template was use to clarify party positions:

Subject: Request for Party Positions on Gabba Redevelopment, East Brisbane State School and Woolloongabba PDA

Dear [Party Contact],

Rethink the Gabba Inc. is a volunteer-run organisation dedicated to promoting the wellbeing of our local community. With the 2024 Queensland State Election scheduled for 26 October, we are reaching out to gather your party's official stance on several key issues affecting Woolloongabba and the surrounding areas, particularly the future of the Gabba, the Woolloongabba Priority Development Area (PDA), and East Brisbane State School (EBSS).

As you are aware, Premier Steven Miles rejected the key recommendation from the Graham Quirk Venue Master Plan Review to build a new stadium at Victoria Park. Instead, the Premier announced a more modest upgrade to The Gabba, along with a $1.6 billion refurbishment of the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre (QSAC) and upgrades to Suncorp Stadium for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic ceremonies. While we are supportive of the decision to rethink the Gabba demolition, there remains ambiguity around the plans for a ‘modest upgrade’ of the Gabba. To date, clarity regarding the Gabba upgrades, and in particular their impact on East Brisbane State School have yet to be provided.

To help our community make informed decisions in the upcoming state election, we are preparing a political scorecard that will feature the positions of major parties on these critical issues. We will publish the full responses on our website, https://www.rethinkthegabba.org, and distribute the scorecard responses through other channels as needed.

We kindly request that the [Party] respond to the following yes/no questions by COB, Friday 20 September 2024. You may provide an additional supporting comment, however we will be seeking a clear position on these items:

We would like a response from your party by the deadline and, if not, we will assume your position based on media reporting and other available information as at Friday 20 September 2024.

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to receiving your response.

Yours sincerely,  

Daniel Angus


Rethink the Gabba Inc.

More about the 2024 Queensland State Government Election